How can one way disposable totes make freight shipments easier?
What are one way disposable totes?
One way disposable tote arrives flat taking up less warehouse spaceA variety of packages go less than truck load these days. One way disposable totes can make company's logistics and freight much easier. The EZ-SET liquid bulk container system is a creative solution to a long standing problem of transporting liquids. The liquid bulk totes allow for a single fork lift to transport up to 6 drums on a single skid. Since the disposable containers have a heavy duty corrugated shell with a robust inner liner, safe transport and storage safely handles all types of food grade liquids. Water based and other non hazardous liquids can also be transported by EZ-SET both domestically and overseas. The source reductive design of EZ-SET saves energy compared to steel drums or bottle in a cage type containers. Collapsed flat saves big on warehouse space and inbound freight compared to 55 gallon steel drums. Stacking strength allows for this one way disposable tote system to be stacked three high in a warehouse environment as well. All of these benefits lead to greater savings for your company and give you a market advantage to expand your sales to a wider customer base. Paper Systems was one of the original pioneers of one way disposable totes back in the 1980's and have been growing every since.
Freight brokerage companies and shipping brokers are all trying to maximize space and weight for the customers they serve. One way disposable totes such as EZ-SET can help in many ways. Maximizing weight on one skid allows EZ-SET to be easily tracked, transported, and stored by the freight carriers and warehouse services. Batch lot tracking is easily achieved as each tote can be labeled quickly for quality control purposes. A growing number of shipping brokers prefer larger totes for ease of tracing in their system which in turn helps them get product efficiently from point A to point B. All carriers want to maximize out trailer weight and space and our liquid bulk totes insure that happens on every trip. With the lighter tare weight compared to steel drums, you pay for product weight and less money for packaging weight allowing for further savings.
There are a limited number of carriers traveling certain trucking routes during certain times of the year. That same pool of limited resources dwindles drastically if your items need to be shipped to a remote location. In contrast, the more trucks that are going to the same area, the more competitive the freight rates. If your products are traveling on a popular route, you are more likely to get a better deal on your shipping rate. Either way, with one way disposable totes, your outbound freight is better maximized allowing the carrier to pick up another load of other material to eliminate any down time or moving of empty containers.
The advantage of one way disposable totes
With one way disposable totes, you only have to worry about shipping your products one way. Unlike steel drums, you do not have to worry about picking up empty shipping containers. This saves your company time and money. Also clean out and disposal costs are eliminated by getting away from steel drums. EZ-SET is disposed of thru corrugated waste streams where paper recycling services pay you for the cardboard so it becomes a revenue stream as well.
Learn more about how disposable totes can save your company time and money.