How does reducing the shipping container weight of my packaging help save me money?
Liquid shipping container ready to be transported
A 55-gallon steel drum weighs 40 pounds when empty. Four of these steel drums on a skid would be 200 pounds just in shipping container weight. A whole truck load could have over 5,000 pounds in shipping container weight —and all its directly related to shipping container weight costs. Lightweight materials that pack more geometrically on a truck means saving on costs for labor, number of trucks, fork lift time, shipping and transit fees. Disposable totes save time in moving your product, not wasting time in handling several smaller drums. Liquid disposable totes have in the same truck compared to a drum t/l shipment is only 2500 lbs of packaging weight. that is a savings of 50% in tare weight alone! That means your shipments is more product per truck load and less packaging. Saves you money on inbound and outbound freight.
With a lighter shipping container, such as a liquid storage tote, you can save upward of 20-25% on freight costs. You can also ship more of your product per truck, for a better profit margin.