Why use a disposable tote to transport products?
Disposable liquid tote ready to ship
There are many advantages of using liquid shipping containers to transport products. Since they utilize space better and are lighter than steel drums, they save your company money on transporting goods.
Liquid Shipping Containers are Lighter and Smaller than Equivalent Drums
Drums weigh 160 pounds more than a 330 liquid shipping containers per equivalent volume. With liquid shipping containers, you can use the unused weight to pack in more product in a truck and transport products farther and for less money.
Liquid Shipping Containers Utilize Space in Trucks Better
Liquid shipping containers let you maximize the volume and weight you can ship in a semi-trailer. With liquid shipping containers, you can fill the trailer with fewer skids. This lets you place more of your product in the trailer.
Liquid Shipping Containers are Disposable
With liquid shipping containers, you don’t need to worry about transporting the containers back to their original location. After the containers are used, they can either be thrown away or recycled. Since the containers are not reused, it’s also less likely that your transport products with be contaminated.
Transport Products and Unload Your Trailer Quicker
With less skids to transport the same amount of product, you can load and unload your trailer quicker. Your driver can get on the road quicker, making the process more efficient for everyone.