55 gallon metal drums for sale: Is there a better alternative?
EZ-SET liquid disposable totes stacked saving warehouse space
Since 55 gallon drums can be used multiple times, they must be cleaned and shipped back. This involves labor and return freight before they can be loaded with a new batch of product. This is labor intensive and consumes valuable resources of freight and tracing within your organization. If you need to transport hazardous products, you need to use steel drums. However, if you are transporting non-hazardous products, liquid disposable totes are a better alternative to the standard 55 gallon steel drums for sale in today's marketplace.
With disposable totes, you avoid shipping empty 55 gallon drums and the possibility of cross contamination. You save on return freight and having to make repetitive purchases of 55 gallon drums which are freight intensive into your plant. More and more people are also having trouble getting rid of 55 gallon drums for sale due to residue left in the drum and accountability for proper disposal of the residue which can be expensive. Metal barrels are becoming more expensive as raw materials for steel continue to rise as well. These types of liquid bulk totes consist of a cardboard box with an interior liner made of a polyethylene blend of multiple layers of film. This protects the liquid and insures safe transport. Totes can also be recycled after they are used.
Liquid Disposable Totes are Lighter than 55 Gal. Drums
Since liquid disposable totes are so much lighter than steel drums, you can save 20-25% on freight costs while fitting more product on each truck. 55 gallon steel oil drums weight about 60 pounds each. Since five liquid bulk containers fit on each skid, that adds up to 400 extra pounds per skid. Liquid bulk containers are less than half the weight of steel drums. Over a whole truck load, you will have over 5,000 more pounds (1,100 gallons) to allocate to shipping your product instead of paying for heavy packaging. Used 55 gallon drums for sale are available, but risks go along with purchasing used 55 gallon drums. Sometimes documentation is not complete and all of the used 55 gallon drums for sale don't have proper cleaning done to them prior to purchase.
EZ-SET liquid bulk tote ready to go
Quicker Loading and Unloading
Depending on the size tote you choose, more volume can fit in each liquid disposable tote than several 55 gallon drums for sale. This means more product can be loaded and unloaded from the truck in less time.
Faster Filling and Reduced Handling
Draining disposable totes is also quicker than used 55 gallon drums because each unit contains more product. With a tote, you do not have to start and stop multiple fill or drain cycles which is the norm when filling and draining 55 gallon drums frequently. So stop looking for metal barrels for sale and switch to Paper Systems' family of bulk container solutions to save your company in multiple ways today.